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You can make a difference.



  • I understand that I am joining 100 Women Who Care Coastal Georgia.

  • I am making a commitment to contribute a total of $400 per year directly to local non-profit organizations serving Glynn County.

  • I will write my check directly to the 501(c)(3) non-profit selected by the membership. ($100 at each of the 4 scheduled meetings)

  • I agree to honor my commitment even if the charity for which I vote is not the charity chosen. (Only members in attendance or those that send their check as proxy may vote for the charity)

  • If I am unable to attend a meeting, I will either give my check to a friend to bring to the meeting or mail a check to the address given upon notification of the charity selected.

  • My original commitment is for one year and will automatically renew for successive one year periods, unless notice is given.

Please check one of the following:

THANK YOU for Joining us to help make a difference in our community!!

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